Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Architecture and Growth

We are in snow covered mountains.  You are not isolated. We have solar panels all over the place. I have a very large glass dome around us.


In my island the ruler is the person that owns the island.  There are no branches of government.  The leader is chosen by who owns the island.


  • There will be no killing unless it is not government related or if they are sick.
  • There will be no theft
  • There will be no napalm related items
  • You must dress the same as others.
  • every one will have to drive a Porsche 911 Turbo

  • If you do not follow the rules you will be executed on sight after crime was committed

   We do not have a court system. We do not have prisons. There are no medical aids.


We are all in 4 person family (Mom, Dad, Two Children .  We are all Christians.  It doesn't matter about what race you are just if you believe in the same things we do.  We all speak English.    Some can be rich and some can be poor depending on the job you have.  The reason why people go into groups like mine is because they feel like they belong there and they feel at home there.  My plan is just different.  There are no differences in my community, But everyone is free to marry people and have their own children.               

Monday, February 4, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

Utopia is a group of people that try to make a perfect place.  Utopia is not real important to me.  People in my residents work for food and money.  We also have school. We use money.  They get paid different amounts for different jobs.  like harder jobs get paid more, and if you ever not go to school or work you will be publicly executed in front of the whole community.  if you want this to be worry free dont do any thing bad.   No one cares about age.  you also never get to retire.  There is no free time.  There is no television.  This community is local.  Meal are prepared individually.  All of our food is grown.  All residents are treated differently.  When some get sick they are executed on the spot so no one else will get sick.  None of my plans are the same as others. 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013